Studium der visuellen Kommunikation mit Studienrichtung Foto/Film-Design an der FH Bielefeld.
1992 haben wir unser Diplom mit der experimentellen Fotografie bei Prof. Karl-Martin Holzhäuser erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Ruth Güse
Dipl.-Designerin FH Bielefeld
*1963 in Detmold
Dorothea Bornemann
Dipl.-Designerin FH Bielefeld
*1965 in Bielefeld
our mission: nature makes photography dorothea bornemann and ruth güse are graduated designers. they study visual communication together at the college in Bielefeld. dorothea bornemann was born in 1965 in bielefeld and lives now near frankfurt/ germany. ruth güse, born in 1963 lives in detmold. both artists have been working together since their time in college. they focus on experimental photography in their thesis, creating their first alchemical calendar with a view camera 4 x 5 inch. during their studies they also work with a camera obscura experimenting with artistic photography. „we developed a process where we combine film with plant substances. the slide film is submerged into a bath that contains the plant substances (such as flower pedals or other plant fibers) before the slide is exposed in camera. The slide interacts with the plant material in the bath, than the image is taken in the camera, than developed and the final photograph is created.“ „we pride ourselves on having a unique selling point with our photographic processes.“ „the images show the impact how nature acts on our slides and is an example how our actions impact our environment. these reactions on film is an experimental medium and can give us surprising results, nature becomes the creator of light, color and composition. our photographs are a mindful approach that we have to protect nature and our environment.
A world of your own our biographies are similar, we are both designers who work also in the marketing sector. in our artistic photography, we have all the freedom to create. freedom to choose our subjects: natural and architectural landscapes, with the experimental use of technical choices, in a combination of photography and optical experiments. we call it „cameragrams“, we position objects within the view camera, double exposures, solarization. the latter are processes on which traces are left under the influence of light. we work with natural materials, like plants and earth material. during the process we take the risk not to influence a subject completely, but to shape it with nature. the unique results are pictorial worlds captured with the view camera on the slide, a balancing act between photography and painting. nature makes photography.
Please contact us under:
Ruth Güse +49 160 99 838 705 und
Dorothea Bornemann +49 174 40 69 623
Place of Sale:
We sell our photos in the KunstKaufLADEN Tacheles
in Hanau / Interview with Mr. Kannengießer from Tacheles
We are represented on the Biafarin Artist Management Platform